Mengecek Handphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 (QC Test)
Cara mengecek Redmi Note 2. Nb. Bila anda membeli handphone nya bekas.
Cara mengecek Redmi Note 2. Nb. Bila anda membeli handphone nya bekas.
Published: 19-06-2016
Duration: 1:31
Definition: hd
View: 3683
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Comment: 1
Duration: 1:31
Definition: hd
View: 3683
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Comment: 1
Unboxing Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Indonesia
Unboxing Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Indonesia, Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 ini kami dapatkan dengan harga 2,2 Juta rupiah garansi Distributor. Untuk versi lengkapnya bisa check di
Unboxing Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Indonesia, Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 ini kami dapatkan dengan harga 2,2 Juta rupiah garansi Distributor. Untuk versi lengkapnya bisa check di
Published: 31-08-2015
Duration: 9:34
Definition: hd
View: 58459
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Comment: 66
Duration: 9:34
Definition: hd
View: 58459
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Comment: 66
Review Xiaomi Redmi Note 2
Klo mau beli, rekomendasi SobatHAPE belinya di sini : Udah cek Tokopedia belum? ROM nya bermasalah kaya saya? Jangan khawatir, benerinnya gampang koq. cek https://ww...
Klo mau beli, rekomendasi SobatHAPE belinya di sini : Udah cek Tokopedia belum? ROM nya bermasalah kaya saya? Jangan khawatir, benerinnya gampang koq. cek https://ww...
Published: 12-09-2015
Duration: 9:15
Definition: hd
View: 464351
Like: 3084
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Comment: 984
Duration: 9:15
Definition: hd
View: 464351
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Comment: 984
Tutorial Flashing ROM China di Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 plus Hands On
Mau beli Xiaomi Redmi Note 2? Udah cek Tokopedia belum? * Download ROM MIUI 6 di :
Mau beli Xiaomi Redmi Note 2? Udah cek Tokopedia belum? * Download ROM MIUI 6 di :
Published: 29-08-2015
Duration: 15:53
Definition: hd
View: 330831
Like: 2167
Dislike: 81
Favorite: 0
Comment: 1645
Duration: 15:53
Definition: hd
View: 330831
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Comment: 1645
Unboxing Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Indonesia
Mau beli Xiaomi Redmi Note 2? Udah cek Tokopedia belum? ROM nya bermasalah kaya saya? Jangan khawatir, benerinnya gampang koq. cek
Mau beli Xiaomi Redmi Note 2? Udah cek Tokopedia belum? ROM nya bermasalah kaya saya? Jangan khawatir, benerinnya gampang koq. cek
Published: 29-08-2015
Duration: 9:5
Definition: hd
View: 223766
Like: 1344
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Comment: 402
Duration: 9:5
Definition: hd
View: 223766
Like: 1344
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Comment: 402
Cara merubah sinyal 3G ke 4G Redmi Note 2 Bahasa Indonesia
Merubah Sinyal 3G ke 4G redmi note 2. Tested di rom miui global stable, mungkin work di xiaomi device lain atau merk lain. instagram : @Gilangrizkyap twitter : @gilangrizkyap backsong...
Merubah Sinyal 3G ke 4G redmi note 2. Tested di rom miui global stable, mungkin work di xiaomi device lain atau merk lain. instagram : @Gilangrizkyap twitter : @gilangrizkyap backsong...
Published: 31-08-2016
Duration: 3:13
Definition: hd
View: 34605
Like: 90
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 35
Duration: 3:13
Definition: hd
View: 34605
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Comment: 35
touchscreen problem xiaomi redmi note 2
For HongKong Goldway.
For HongKong Goldway.
Published: 18-03-2016
Duration: 3:28
Definition: hd
View: 35834
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Comment: 4
Duration: 3:28
Definition: hd
View: 35834
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Comment: 4
Cara Mudah Membuat Wallpaper Melengkung Seperti Mi Note 2 Tanpa Komputer
Bagaimana caranya agar layar smartphone xiaomi kamu jadi melengkung di kedua sisinya tanpa harus sepeserpun mengeluarkan uang guna membeli ponsel xiaomi Mi Note 2? Silahkan ikuti tutorial sederhana...
Bagaimana caranya agar layar smartphone xiaomi kamu jadi melengkung di kedua sisinya tanpa harus sepeserpun mengeluarkan uang guna membeli ponsel xiaomi Mi Note 2? Silahkan ikuti tutorial sederhana...
Published: 11-11-2016
Duration: 4:20
Definition: hd
View: 22256
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Comment: 25
Duration: 4:20
Definition: hd
View: 22256
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Comment: 25
Cara Lock Jaringan 4G di Smartphone Xiaomi Indonesia | Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 2016
1. setting 2. about phone 3. tap internal memory 5-7x 4. pilih sim 1 / 2 5. tab kebawah pilih jaringan LTE ONLY 6. done.
1. setting 2. about phone 3. tap internal memory 5-7x 4. pilih sim 1 / 2 5. tab kebawah pilih jaringan LTE ONLY 6. done.
Published: 18-02-2016
Duration: 0:59
Definition: sd
View: 42801
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Comment: 29
Duration: 0:59
Definition: sd
View: 42801
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Comment: 29
xiaomi redmi 2 prime (checked all sensor)
If you know that there are so much problem comes now in your life when you purchase a new mobile there are description to redmiprime 2 does you check all the sensor of new mobile and...
If you know that there are so much problem comes now in your life when you purchase a new mobile there are description to redmiprime 2 does you check all the sensor of new mobile and...
Published: 25-09-2015
Duration: 4:6
Definition: hd
View: 73916
Like: 180
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 19
Duration: 4:6
Definition: hd
View: 73916
Like: 180
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Comment: 19
Solusi tombol power Xiaomi redmi note 2 /prime sulit di tekan
Mungkin ada teman2 yang pernah merasakan tombol power di Xiaomi redmi note 2 /prime nya sulit di tekan. Ini ada solisi mudah nya.. semoga bermanfaat Jangan lupa subscribe & like y video ini.
Mungkin ada teman2 yang pernah merasakan tombol power di Xiaomi redmi note 2 /prime nya sulit di tekan. Ini ada solisi mudah nya.. semoga bermanfaat Jangan lupa subscribe & like y video ini.
Published: 27-05-2017
Duration: 3:42
Definition: hd
View: 11563
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Comment: 5
Duration: 3:42
Definition: hd
View: 11563
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Comment: 5
Speaker test Xiaomi note 4
Left speaker is not working, I made several sound tests and I checked the settings but I did not find a solution.
Left speaker is not working, I made several sound tests and I checked the settings but I did not find a solution.
Published: 19-03-2017
Duration: 1:8
Definition: hd
View: 62858
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Comment: 31
Duration: 1:8
Definition: hd
View: 62858
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Comment: 31
Published: 22-11-2016
Duration: 0:51
Definition: hd
View: 65
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:51
Definition: hd
View: 65
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Comment: 0
How to Replacement Touchscreen LCD xiaomi Redmi Note 2
how to fix LCD Touchscreen xiaomi redmi note 2.
how to fix LCD Touchscreen xiaomi redmi note 2.
Published: 05-03-2017
Duration: 0:4
Definition: hd
View: 1697
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Comment: 4
Duration: 0:4
Definition: hd
View: 1697
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Comment: 4
Unboxing Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 Indonesia
Suka Teknologi? Ingat! Say No to Gaptek! Kali ini kita melakukan unboxing smartphone yang lagi hangat-hangatnya di Indonesia walau belum sampai Hot :D yaitu Xiaomi Redmi...
Suka Teknologi? Ingat! Say No to Gaptek! Kali ini kita melakukan unboxing smartphone yang lagi hangat-hangatnya di Indonesia walau belum sampai Hot :D yaitu Xiaomi Redmi...
Published: 23-09-2015
Duration: 8:38
Definition: hd
View: 56827
Like: 146
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Comment: 40
Duration: 8:38
Definition: hd
View: 56827
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Comment: 40
Baterai Xiaomi Redmi Note2 Hongmi Note2 Original BM45 BM-45 XIAOMI BATTERY. INI CIRI CIRI nya :)
Jika berminat bisa Wa di 08989742427 Instagram : sahabatgadget.
Jika berminat bisa Wa di 08989742427 Instagram : sahabatgadget.
Published: 22-08-2017
Duration: 5:6
Definition: hd
View: 2159
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Comment: 11
Duration: 5:6
Definition: hd
View: 2159
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Comment: 11
Replace LCD Redmi Note 2 Indonesia
LANGSUNG PASANG TEMPERED GLASS SETELAH MENGGANTI !, karena daya tahan bahannya tidak sebaik original bawaan. Menjelaskan step by step cara untuk membongkar handphone xiaomi redmi note 2 dan...
LANGSUNG PASANG TEMPERED GLASS SETELAH MENGGANTI !, karena daya tahan bahannya tidak sebaik original bawaan. Menjelaskan step by step cara untuk membongkar handphone xiaomi redmi note 2 dan...
Published: 17-11-2016
Duration: 18:3
Definition: hd
View: 39448
Like: 141
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Comment: 154
Duration: 18:3
Definition: hd
View: 39448
Like: 141
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Comment: 154
Published: 23-08-2014
Duration: 13:49
Definition: hd
View: 272046
Like: 1249
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Comment: 233
Duration: 13:49
Definition: hd
View: 272046
Like: 1249
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Comment: 233
Cara Memisahkan LCD Touchscreen Redmi Note 2 tanpa separator lcd
Buat yang tidak punya separator LCD Touchscreen, ini dia cara mudah memisahkan LCD TS hanya dengan Blower dan kawat seling Contoh di sini menggunakan LCD redmi Note 2 Semoga bermanfaat untuk...
Buat yang tidak punya separator LCD Touchscreen, ini dia cara mudah memisahkan LCD TS hanya dengan Blower dan kawat seling Contoh di sini menggunakan LCD redmi Note 2 Semoga bermanfaat untuk...
Published: 23-09-2017
Duration: 15:57
Definition: sd
View: 5051
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Comment: 13
Duration: 15:57
Definition: sd
View: 5051
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Comment: 13
Kecewa!.. Xiaomi redmi note 2 kamera gak bisa fokus.
Kamera gak bisa fokus. Motret tulisan kabur gak kebaca. Tutup baterai belakang jg gak pas, gak bisa ngancing..
Kamera gak bisa fokus. Motret tulisan kabur gak kebaca. Tutup baterai belakang jg gak pas, gak bisa ngancing..
Published: 27-01-2017
Duration: 2:18
Definition: hd
View: 3687
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Comment: 0
Duration: 2:18
Definition: hd
View: 3687
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Comment: 0
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