Kue Kering Putri Salju - Cara membuat Candy Pop Snow - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 200 gr ⢠Gula halus 70 gr ⢠Tepung terigu 200 gr ⢠Tepung maizena 50 gr ⢠Baking powder 1/4 sdt ⢠Keju Edam (parut) 75 gr ⢠Keju Cheddar...
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 200 gr ⢠Gula halus 70 gr ⢠Tepung terigu 200 gr ⢠Tepung maizena 50 gr ⢠Baking powder 1/4 sdt ⢠Keju Edam (parut) 75 gr ⢠Keju Cheddar...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 2:51
Definition: sd
View: 281482
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Comment: 22
Duration: 2:51
Definition: sd
View: 281482
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Comment: 22
Kue Kering Putri Salju - Cara membuat Candy Pop Snow - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan:⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 200 gr⢠Gula halus 70 gr⢠Tepung terigu 200 gr⢠Tepung maizena 50 gr⢠Baking powder 1/4 sdt⢠Keju Edam (parut) 75 gr⢠Keju Cheddar (parut)...
Bahan-bahan:⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 200 gr⢠Gula halus 70 gr⢠Tepung terigu 200 gr⢠Tepung maizena 50 gr⢠Baking powder 1/4 sdt⢠Keju Edam (parut) 75 gr⢠Keju Cheddar (parut)...
Published: 18-05-2015
Duration: 2:51
Definition: sd
View: 3502
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Comment: 0
Duration: 2:51
Definition: sd
View: 3502
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Comment: 0
Kue Nastar - Cara membuat Kue Lebaran Candy Pop Nastar - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: BAHAN SELAI: ⢠Buah Nanas (cincang) 150 gr ⢠Gula Pasir 150 gr ⢠Kayu Manis 2 tangkai Cara Membuat: 1. Campur semua bahan selai nanas, masak di atas api kecil hingga mengental....
Bahan-bahan: BAHAN SELAI: ⢠Buah Nanas (cincang) 150 gr ⢠Gula Pasir 150 gr ⢠Kayu Manis 2 tangkai Cara Membuat: 1. Campur semua bahan selai nanas, masak di atas api kecil hingga mengental....
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 3:20
Definition: sd
View: 749192
Like: 865
Dislike: 89
Favorite: 0
Comment: 34
Duration: 3:20
Definition: sd
View: 749192
Like: 865
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Comment: 34
Kue Kastengel - Cara membuat kue Lebaran Candy Pop Kastengel - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 125 gr ⢠Kuning Telur 2 ⢠Tepung Terigu 150 gr ⢠Tepung Maizena 25 gr ⢠Keju Edam (parut) 100 gr ⢠Keju Gauda (parut) 100 gr ⢠Baking...
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 125 gr ⢠Kuning Telur 2 ⢠Tepung Terigu 150 gr ⢠Tepung Maizena 25 gr ⢠Keju Edam (parut) 100 gr ⢠Keju Gauda (parut) 100 gr ⢠Baking...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 2:35
Definition: sd
View: 340506
Like: 778
Dislike: 72
Favorite: 0
Comment: 21
Duration: 2:35
Definition: sd
View: 340506
Like: 778
Dislike: 72
Favorite: 0
Comment: 21
cara membuat CILOK sendiri
cara membuat CILOK sendiri https://youtu.be/ej4Dk8yPGgY resep kue resep kue kering resep masakan resep kue nastar resep puding resep nasi goreng resep bolu kukus resep kue cubit resep sayur...
cara membuat CILOK sendiri https://youtu.be/ej4Dk8yPGgY resep kue resep kue kering resep masakan resep kue nastar resep puding resep nasi goreng resep bolu kukus resep kue cubit resep sayur...
Published: 03-08-2016
Duration: 4:33
Definition: sd
View: 1881
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Comment: 0
Duration: 4:33
Definition: sd
View: 1881
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Comment: 0
resep kue kering hercules
resep masakan resep kue resep nasi goreng resep masakan indonesia resep makanan resep pancake masakan indonesia resep masakan sederhana masakan masakan nusantara resep masakan nusantara resep...
resep masakan resep kue resep nasi goreng resep masakan indonesia resep makanan resep pancake masakan indonesia resep masakan sederhana masakan masakan nusantara resep masakan nusantara resep...
Published: 22-06-2015
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 1013
Like: 0
Dislike: 4
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 1013
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Cara mudah membuat choco chip cookies lezat - Sub Indonesia | Rizky Riplay
This video is courtesy of "Rouxbe Online Cooking School" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqSmEZaCxXY Video ini bukan saya yang buat, ini saya beri translate indonesia untuk Ibu saya yang ingin...
This video is courtesy of "Rouxbe Online Cooking School" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqSmEZaCxXY Video ini bukan saya yang buat, ini saya beri translate indonesia untuk Ibu saya yang ingin...
Published: 10-07-2014
Duration: 2:48
Definition: hd
View: 178652
Like: 667
Dislike: 34
Favorite: 0
Comment: 18
Duration: 2:48
Definition: hd
View: 178652
Like: 667
Dislike: 34
Favorite: 0
Comment: 18
Sunflower Spinach Pie Recipe - A Pretty Twisted Bread - Solsikke formet brød med spinat FROZEN FEVER
Have you tried twisting bread before? This is a delicious twisted bread recipe with spinach filling! Plus this Sunflower bread is sooo pretty! A fun bread to serve at dinner or at a party....
Have you tried twisting bread before? This is a delicious twisted bread recipe with spinach filling! Plus this Sunflower bread is sooo pretty! A fun bread to serve at dinner or at a party....
Published: 27-02-2015
Duration: 10:45
Definition: sd
View: 17996
Like: 146
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 19
Duration: 10:45
Definition: sd
View: 17996
Like: 146
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 19
Candy Pop Fun - Cara membuat kue Lebaran Candy Pop Fun - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: ADONAN I: ⢠Kuning Telur 1 ⢠Gula pasir 35 gr ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 20 gr ⢠Minyak sayur 25 ml ⢠Air 60 ml ⢠Tepung terigu 80 gr ⢠Vanilla essence 1/2 sdm...
Bahan-bahan: ADONAN I: ⢠Kuning Telur 1 ⢠Gula pasir 35 gr ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 20 gr ⢠Minyak sayur 25 ml ⢠Air 60 ml ⢠Tepung terigu 80 gr ⢠Vanilla essence 1/2 sdm...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 3:7
Definition: sd
View: 102526
Like: 190
Dislike: 14
Favorite: 0
Comment: 9
Duration: 3:7
Definition: sd
View: 102526
Like: 190
Dislike: 14
Favorite: 0
Comment: 9
Resep dan Cara Membuat Kue Kastengel Keju Kraft Renyah Spesial L
SEMUA VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAq4XEI6DHC0I_4L2c0ieA/videos Cara membuat kastengal dengan cara dipanggang di dalam oven hingga berwana kuning keemasan. Sebelum dipanggang...
SEMUA VIDEO : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAq4XEI6DHC0I_4L2c0ieA/videos Cara membuat kastengal dengan cara dipanggang di dalam oven hingga berwana kuning keemasan. Sebelum dipanggang...
Published: 14-06-2017
Duration: 2:48
Definition: sd
View: 4381
Like: 9
Dislike: 3
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 2:48
Definition: sd
View: 4381
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Comment: 0
Kue Kering Nastar Keju
Nastar Keju by J&C COOKIES "Kue kering Nastar dengan balutan keju renyah dan selai nanas segar" Komposisi: Butter, Margarin, Telur, Tepung Terigu, Gula, Keju, Selai Nanas Nutrition Fact:...
Nastar Keju by J&C COOKIES "Kue kering Nastar dengan balutan keju renyah dan selai nanas segar" Komposisi: Butter, Margarin, Telur, Tepung Terigu, Gula, Keju, Selai Nanas Nutrition Fact:...
Published: 14-07-2013
Duration: 2:18
Definition: hd
View: 92947
Like: 86
Dislike: 29
Favorite: 0
Comment: 6
Duration: 2:18
Definition: hd
View: 92947
Like: 86
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Comment: 6
resep kue kering j&c
resep masakan resep kue resep nasi goreng resep masakan indonesia resep makanan resep pancake masakan indonesia resep masakan sederhana masakan masakan nusantara resep masakan nusantara resep...
resep masakan resep kue resep nasi goreng resep masakan indonesia resep makanan resep pancake masakan indonesia resep masakan sederhana masakan masakan nusantara resep masakan nusantara resep...
Published: 24-06-2015
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 71
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 3:3
Definition: hd
View: 71
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
J&C Cookies | kue kering
Bismillahirohmanirrohim... . . Open PO aneka kue kering Rasa jangan diragukan lagi & harga bersahabat . . Ina Cookies Rp 90.000/toples J&C Cookies Rp 90.000/toples J&C Toples Kaca...
Bismillahirohmanirrohim... . . Open PO aneka kue kering Rasa jangan diragukan lagi & harga bersahabat . . Ina Cookies Rp 90.000/toples J&C Cookies Rp 90.000/toples J&C Toples Kaca...
Published: 23-05-2017
Duration: 0:25
Definition: sd
View: 228
Like: 1
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Duration: 0:25
Definition: sd
View: 228
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Candy Pop Orange - Cara membuat kue Lebaran Candy Pop Orange - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 130 gr ⢠Gula pasir 380 gr ⢠Jeruk sunkist (parut kulitnya) 2 buah ⢠Telur 3 butir ⢠Vanilla essence 1 sdt ⢠Cuka 1 sdt â¢...
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 130 gr ⢠Gula pasir 380 gr ⢠Jeruk sunkist (parut kulitnya) 2 buah ⢠Telur 3 butir ⢠Vanilla essence 1 sdt ⢠Cuka 1 sdt â¢...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 3:7
Definition: sd
View: 51863
Like: 89
Dislike: 9
Favorite: 0
Comment: 5
Duration: 3:7
Definition: sd
View: 51863
Like: 89
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 5
Resep Masakan Kue Kering Keju Kastangel
Video Resep Masakan Kue Kering Keju Kastangel.
Video Resep Masakan Kue Kering Keju Kastangel.
Published: 09-10-2014
Duration: 1:48
Definition: hd
View: 16684
Like: 11
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Comment: 6
Duration: 1:48
Definition: hd
View: 16684
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Comment: 6
Candy Pop Lemon - Cara membuat kue Lebaran Candy Pop Lemon - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Tepung Terigu 420 gr ⢠Tepung Maizena 2 sdt ⢠Baking Powder 1 sdt ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 130 gr ⢠Gula pasir 170 gr ⢠Kulit Lemon (parutan) 1 sdm ⢠Kuning...
Bahan-bahan: ⢠Tepung Terigu 420 gr ⢠Tepung Maizena 2 sdt ⢠Baking Powder 1 sdt ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 130 gr ⢠Gula pasir 170 gr ⢠Kulit Lemon (parutan) 1 sdm ⢠Kuning...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 2:45
Definition: sd
View: 34590
Like: 60
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 9
Duration: 2:45
Definition: sd
View: 34590
Like: 60
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Comment: 9
Candy Pop Melt - Cara membuat kue Lebaran Candy Pop Melt - Blue Band 2013
Candy Pop Melt: Bahan-bahan: ⢠Tepung terigu 500 gr ⢠Tepung maizena 480gr ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 900 gr ⢠Gula halus 230 gr ⢠Vanila essense 15 ml Cara Membuat: 1. Campur terigu...
Candy Pop Melt: Bahan-bahan: ⢠Tepung terigu 500 gr ⢠Tepung maizena 480gr ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 900 gr ⢠Gula halus 230 gr ⢠Vanila essense 15 ml Cara Membuat: 1. Campur terigu...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 2:15
Definition: sd
View: 125478
Like: 222
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 13
Duration: 2:15
Definition: sd
View: 125478
Like: 222
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Comment: 13
Kue Marble - Cara membuat Candy Pop Marble - Blue Band 2013
Bahan-bahan: ADONAN 1: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 250 gr ⢠Gula Pasir 225 gr ⢠Lemon (parut kulitnya) 1/2 buah ⢠Telur 5 butir ⢠Tepung terigu 225 gr ⢠Tepung maizena 50 gr â¢...
Bahan-bahan: ADONAN 1: ⢠Blue Band Cake and Cookie 250 gr ⢠Gula Pasir 225 gr ⢠Lemon (parut kulitnya) 1/2 buah ⢠Telur 5 butir ⢠Tepung terigu 225 gr ⢠Tepung maizena 50 gr â¢...
Published: 05-07-2013
Duration: 4:2
Definition: sd
View: 427772
Like: 797
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 22
Duration: 4:2
Definition: sd
View: 427772
Like: 797
Dislike: 57
Favorite: 0
Comment: 22
Resep Cara Membuat Kue Greentea Aloond Cake
Subscribers and Shares now http://youtu.be/8aE3POaS-Jc Resep Cara Membuat Kue Greentea Almond Cake 1. Aduk minyak goreng, susu cair, krim kental, dan pewarna hijau muda. Panaskan asal hangat....
Subscribers and Shares now http://youtu.be/8aE3POaS-Jc Resep Cara Membuat Kue Greentea Almond Cake 1. Aduk minyak goreng, susu cair, krim kental, dan pewarna hijau muda. Panaskan asal hangat....
Published: 07-03-2015
Duration: 4:1
Definition: hd
View: 132
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Comment: 0
Duration: 4:1
Definition: hd
View: 132
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Comment: 0
FROZEN POPSICLES - DIY Gummy Candy Ice Lolly Pops & Lollipop Popsicles - Inspired by Disney Movie
FROZEN POPSICLES recipe video is a DIY how to make easy, fast and yummy Frozen Popsicles. We got creative and used all kinds of Frozen candy including Frozen Gummy candy and Frozen Lollipops...
FROZEN POPSICLES recipe video is a DIY how to make easy, fast and yummy Frozen Popsicles. We got creative and used all kinds of Frozen candy including Frozen Gummy candy and Frozen Lollipops...
Published: 15-05-2015
Duration: 5:59
Definition: sd
View: 14532
Like: 78
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Comment: 8
Duration: 5:59
Definition: sd
View: 14532
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Comment: 8
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